Every year, businesses and large brands spend billions upon billions of dollars on advertisements for their products. Because of their ubiquity, we tend to subconsciously accept that ads on billboards, the internet, TV, and radio must be the biggest drivers of sales. The truth is, however, that the biggest marketing channel isn’t Super Bowl ads or viral social media posts; it’s good, old-fashioned customer service.

There are several reasons why customer service is the most important marketing channel for top retailers:

  • It’s easier to keep an existing customer than it is to convert a new one. Making a sale to an existing customer is 5 times easier than convincing someone to try a new brand, which means that, for most companies, keeping their current customers happy is their top priority.
  • Personalization keeps customers happy. If you’ve ever been to a luxury retailer, the level of service their customer representatives provide is well above what you get at your average car dealership. Instead of hard sells and fast talking, you get smiles, empathy, and lots of product knowledge they’re willing to share with you. This kind of friendly, personalized shopping experience increases brand loyalty, which, in turn, increases sales.
  • Excellent customer service becomes its own brand image. This doesn’t just apply to luxury brands, either. Just look at Amazon, which, with its Prime service, has created an image for fast, responsive service and excellent customer service.

So, what does this mean for you? It means that companies big and small are looking for people with excellent communication skills to be the next generation of customer service representatives. By signing up for Computer Systems Institute’s English language programs, you’re preparing yourself for a potentially rewarding and lucrative career. Want to find out more? Contact CSI Now at 1-847-967-5030 today.