- The Art of Storytelling
- Small Group Discussion
- Interpersonal Communication.
3 Quarters or 33 Weeks
(30 academic weeks + 3 administrative weeks)
Credit Hours:
36 quarter credits
Contact Hours:
540 contact hours
Training Methods: Lectures/Labs
Tuition: $1,400 per quarter
Course Materials Fees: $50 per quarter
Supply Fees: $40 per quarter
Total: $1,490 per quarter
Tuition: $4,200 per year
Course Materials Fees: $150 per year
Supply Fees: $120 per year
Total: $4,470 per year
Communication Program: 81 – 115.99 (B2)
*Before international students enroll in this Program at CSI, they must take a computer-based standardized English Placement Test.
ENG420 The Art of Storytelling
Lecture Hours: 60
Lab Hours: 120
Total Contact Hours: 180
Quarter Credit Hours: 12
This course focuses on reading, re-telling, and writing folk tales, fables, and myths. Students will be able to focus on fine-tuning their rhetoric skills and participate in culturally-immersive activities as they discover the world of folk tales. The students are required to discuss a variety of storytelling styles and approaches and to learn stories by listening to and interviewing class storytellers via video and audio recordings. Emphasis is placed on reading, re-telling, and writing techniques used in folk tales, fables, and myths. Course activities include lecture assignments, projects, exercises, quizzes, a midterm exam, and a final exam.
ENG421 Small Group Discussion
Lecture Hours: 60
Lab Hours: 120
Total Clock Hours: 180
Quarter Credit Hours: 12
This course introduces advanced-level ESL students to the theory and the practice of small group discussion. Students are required to discuss social issues and engage in organizational problem-solving decision-making, and leadership. Emphasis is placed on the basic understanding of the theory behind purposeful discussion to provide students with practical experiences participating in or leading small groups. Course activities include lecture assignments, projects, exercises, quizzes, a midterm exam, and a final exam.
ENG422 Interpersonal Communication
Lecture Hours: 60
Lab Hours: 120
Total Clock Hours: 180
Quarter Credit Hours: 12
This course focuses on more advanced communication skills valuable for interpersonal and academic success, such as interpersonal, intercultural, and group discussion skills, classroom interactions, presentations, job interviews, etc. Students will practice core skills needed to establish and maintain healthy interpersonal relationships. Other topics that are covered include pronunciation/accent reduction, syllable and word stress, pace, sentence intonation, common grammatical errors, and the rhythm of American English. Course activities include lecture assignments, projects, exercises, quizzes, a midterm exam, and a final exam.
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What Our Graduates Say
I did my research, I knew that companies searching for IT professionals were looking for CERTIFICATIONS and job experience — not two or four year degrees, CSI fit the bill.
Today I am a systems administrator for IBM and have my own office. I wouldn’t be here without CSI.
For me, CSI is one of the best schools with best instructors, because all of them are professional. Along with that, the opportunities CSI is providing to international students are unbelievable.
Imagine that, hundreds of students are able to achieve their dreams through the knowledge which they can get from school.
I am so happy that I had the chance to go to CSI. Met wonderful people, was taught by the best teachers. A great experience overall. I will miss CSI. I would recommend it to anyone.
It’s affordable and it has very useful programs. Thanks again for the opportunity. Good luck to everyone.
I chose CSI because most of my friends suggested this school for me. CSI is a school where you can find new friends and learn something new. And it’s also affordable, which is really important for international students.
Quickly approaching my third semester of my first full year at CSI, my experience with CSI is a great institution. All of my professors are good as well. I learn many useful and stimulating things in the brief time that I am a student here. There is a delightful mix of age, class, and ethnicity…