Our web development program provides core skills required to support the whole process of developing a web application. This web dev program is divided into two parts. The first part is focused on coding, program logic, data structures, APIs, and best practices for creating quality software. Students will learn to create user interfaces, handle data flow, build backend for request processing, and implement entity relationships into efficiently functioning databases. The second part concentrates on application deployment and maintenance, software development lifecycle models, security and privacy issues, testing, project management, and advanced coding techniques.

In addition to teaching technical skills, our web developer program places a strong emphasis on collaborative learning and real-world projects. Students will participate in group projects that simulate actual workplace environments, allowing them to apply their knowledge in practical scenarios. This hands-on approach in our web development program not only enhances technical proficiency but also fosters essential soft skills, such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving, which are crucial for career success in web development.

Certification exam preparation and fees for 1 exam are included with this program.

Click on the Certifications Tab to learn more about the W3Schools: Front End Developer Certification.

Program Length

44 weeks (40 academic weeks + 4 administrative weeks)
Except for the Web Application Development Concentration

Optional Practical Training (OPT)
for International Students

After completion of the Web Development Program, eligible international students can apply for up to 12 months of OPT work authorization to gain practical experience in their field of study.


44 Weeks
48 Credit Hours


600 Total Hours
480 Hours – Instructor Led*
120 Hours – Online


Tuition: $2,160 per quarter
Course Materials Fee: $150 per quarter
Supply Fee: $40 per quarter
Total: $2,350 per quarter

Tuition: $8,640 per year
Course Materials Fee: $600 per year
Supply Fee: $160 per year
Total: $9,400 per year

New Total: $7,160 per year

**$560 of the $2,240 discount will be applied each quarter. Students must start classes and remain continuously enrolled to receive discounts.


NCP – Concentration in Web Development: 81-120

***Before international students enroll in this Program at CSI, they must take a computer-based standardized ACCUPLACER® ESL Test.

User Interface Design

6 Qtr. Credit Hours / 5 Weeks
User interface (UI) is the foreground of any Web site or Web application. Students will practice designing user-centered interfaces using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The course gives a comprehensive overview of modern HTML components and their attributes, explores layout techniques and styling methodologies. Students will create responsive Web pages using material design guidelines, and enhance the UI with animations and user events processing. Modern elements of HTML5 and CSS3 are presented to replace deprecated Flash components for complex animations and embedded objects. The course also focuses on best practices in user experience to implement intuitive and user-friendly Web sites.

Introduction to Programming

6 Qtr. Credit Hours / 5 Weeks
The course introduces fundamental concepts of programming using Python. Python is one of the most popular interpreted programming languages with powerful debugging and profiling tools that is used to implement professional grade desktop and Web applications. The course covers basic data and control structures, program flow, and typical algorithms. Students will be able to implement complex logical structures, manipulate data objects, identify and fix
errors in code, and write clean & readable code using best coding practices. Additional topics include version control and unit testing techniques to improve maintainability and overall quality of the applications.

Web Application Development

6 Qtr. Credit Hours / 5 Weeks
The course focuses on designing and developing Web applications using Python, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It provides a hands-on guide to object-oriented python web programming, working with multiple types of servers, databases and web frameworks. Topics include http request processing, web-services, web-filters, testing, debugging, multithreading, user session processing, maintenance of web applications. Students will learn to create scalable, maintainable, and flexible applications for the web. Integration testing techniques will be introduced to improve quality control over complex multi-tier software systems.

Database Administration

6 Qtr. Credit Hours / 5 Weeks
The course will explore the relational database model with emphasis on the design and querying of relational databases. The course will improve student skills in programming, modeling the structure of data and administering databases. Focus is placed on the 3 subsets of Structured Query Language (SQL): Data Control Language (DCL), Data Definition Language (DDL), and Data Manipulation Language (DML). Students will learn to create and modify database tables, manipulate data, perform complex join queries, create triggers and stored procedures, enforce referential integrity constraints, control user permissions and concurrent access.

Advanced JavaScript

6 Qtr. Credit Hours / 5 Weeks
The course provides a deeper look at the newest features and frameworks in JavaScript environment. Modern JavaScript technologies allow developers to build web applications without using any additional backend languages. Web developers can take advantage of server-side JavaScript by utilizing Node.js. This course explores both Functional Programming and Object-Oriented Programming techniques. Topics covered include closures, composition and inheritance, scope and execution context, asynchronous event processing, memory leaks, type coercion, higher order functions and more.

Application Servers Administration

6 Qtr. Credit Hours / 5 Weeks
Application servers are cross-platform software applications that handle communications between client applications and back-end business logic implementation. They provide a platform independent programming interface for developing portable applications in a variety of programming languages. This course helps to build core competencies in managing application servers and containers through hands-on experience. Students will better understand web application architectures and their corresponding technologies, be able to configure application servers and deploy applications using Linux terminal and shell scripting. Covered topics include data transfer protocols exploration, types of virtual containers, and software deployment procedures.

Software Development Lifecycle

6 Qtr. Credit Hours / 5 Weeks
Software Development Lifecycle Models describe procedures and activities involved in developing different types of software applications. . Students will learn what parameters to consider when selecting a SDLC model, the phases included in each model, and the types of documentation required during each phase. Topics include sequential and iterative development models, project lifecycle phases, project reviews and quality control procedures.

Web Security and Privacy

6 Qtr. Credit Hours / 5 Weeks
Web developers need to create safe and secure interfaces that can be used to exchange sensitive information, protect data and secure applications to prevent unauthorized access. This course provides an in-depth overview on user and session management, data encryption, secure network communication, and basic penetration testing techniques.

W3Schools Frontend Certification

Industry-specific certifications provide significant advantages to professionals and job candidates. They allow participants to be strategically positioned in the interview process, which may lead to gainful employment.

W3 Schools

W3Schools Front End Developer Certification proves that you have passed our exam and that you have proficient skills in Front-End development. Get the certification trusted by top companies and institutions worldwide.

Check the Certification page or contact admissions at admissions@csinow.edu to learn more about the benefits of certifications and why you should become certified.

To start your CSI application or request more information about certifications, fill out the “Get More Information” form on the left or email admissions@csinow.edu, and a representative will contact you soon.

If you are a current CSI student, please check the student portal to find more information on the available certifications or contact academics@csinow.edu.

Get More Information!



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    Job Outlook

    This program prepares you for the following careers:

    • Web Developers
    • Web and Digital Interface Designers
    • Web Administrators
    • Computer Programmers
    • Information Technology Project Manager
    • Editors
    • Special Effects Artists and Animators
    • Search Marketing Strategists
    • Software Quality Assurance Analysts and Testers

    Click the image below for more career information

    Web Developers

    National Center for O*NET Development.
    Web Developers. My Next Move.
    Retrieved December 9, 2021, from

    Web & Digital
    Interface Designers

    National Center for O*NET Development.
    Web & Digital Interface Designers.
    My Next Move. Retrieved December 9, 2021, from

    Web Administrators

    National Center for O*NET Development.
    Web Administrators. My Next Move.
    Retrieved December 9, 2021, from

    A typical day as a Web Developer

    Download the Concentration in
    Web Development Information

    What Our Graduates Say

    I did my research, I knew that companies searching for IT professionals were looking for CERTIFICATIONS and job experience — not two or four year degrees, CSI fit the bill.

    Today I am a systems administrator for IBM and have my own office. I wouldn’t be here without CSI.

    Shawn G.

    For me, CSI is one of the best schools with best instructors, because all of them are professional. Along with that, the opportunities CSI is providing to international students are unbelievable.

    Imagine that, hundreds of students are able to achieve their dreams through the knowledge which they can get from school.

    Dharmik Sarvaiya

    I am so happy that I had the chance to go to CSI. Met wonderful people, was taught by the best teachers. A great experience overall. I will miss CSI. I would recommend it to anyone.

    It’s affordable and it has very useful programs. Thanks again for the opportunity. Good luck to everyone.

    Nicoleta Ionela Brinza

    I chose CSI because most of my friends suggested this school for me. CSI is a school where you can find new friends and learn something new. And it’s also affordable, which is really important for international students.

    Cornelius Oluwaseun Amondi

    Quickly approaching my third semester of my first full year at CSI, my experience with CSI is a great institution. All of my professors are good as well. I learn many useful and stimulating things in the brief time that I am a student here. There is a delightful mix of age, class, and ethnicity…


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