The road less traveled can be filled with obstacles, but it’s how we navigate through them and the partners that we choose to help us, that best prepare us for the future.
With an undergrad degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management, Gale Pangan was ready to enter the workforce, or so she thought. Gale realized how many more opportunities there were for education and career development, leaving the Philippines to continue her journey in the United States.
“In order to become successful, I knew I needed to further my education. Education is never ending and can’t be taken away from you,” said Gale Pangan. “It’s not only essential but the key to success.”
The only problem was that the first school Gale joined in the United States, didn’t challenge her academically. That’s when she stumbled upon Computer System Institute (CSI), an institute offering academic programs and career pathways, which also serves international students, and never looked back.
“Coming to the United States with a different background and nationality, it was important for me to feel supported, respected, and expressive,” said Gale. “The courses and staff at CSI have given me that and much more. They’re dedicated, enthusiastic and provide endless opportunities to prepare you for the future.” What better way to learn than having boots on the ground! During the Curricular Practical Training (CPT) program, Gale was taking applicable skills learned in the classroom and applying them to the real world.
For Gale, CSI wasn’t a place to simply take classes, but a place where she can be transformed into a professional and prepared to follow her chosen career path. The Business Career Program has given Gale opportunities to learn about business fundamentals, digital multi-media, marketing, organization administration, and her favorite – graphic design. These programs and skills play a necessary part in her chosen career path of restaurant management.
“Choose your school wisely,” said Gale. “If you’re looking for a school that will help expand your educational career and prepare you for future opportunities, CSI is the perfect decision. I know I never doubt my choice.”
Are you ready to follow in Gale’s footsteps and receive an education that will allow you to achieve your academic and professional goals? Visit https://www.csinow.edu/, call 1-847-967-5030, or email admissions@csinow.edu to learn about our high-quality programs in Massachusetts and Illinois. For further information on CPT requirements, click here.